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Approved June 2022 Minutes

HCA Meeting June 2, 2022

Zoom meeting attendees: 15

Officers in attendance:

  • Tamara Srader, President

  • Mark Rogers, Vice President - absent

  • Michelle Arsenault, Secretary

  • Michael Hamill, Treasurer

a. Call to Order @19:33

b. Approval of Minutes. Minutes for May 2022 were approved as written.

c. Treasurer’s Report.

  • $342.11 in HCA account. Out of this account, we need to pay for our HCA website.

  • Michael plans on implementing additional forms of payment to make it easier for people to join.

  • The main outlay is the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens' Associations (MVCAA) membership fee.

d. Committee and Other Reports

  • Mt. Vernon Council meetings.

    • Environment and Recreation Committee (Rep. Alan Ruof). Away

    • Planning & Zoning Committee (Rep. Ray Novitske). The Planning & Zoning meeting is next Monday.

    • Infill Development (Ray Novitske). The infill development task force met this past week and has another meeting scheduled. The County presented ideas for limiting infill development. The definition of infill is a bit unclear, but it may refer to a lot between single family lots and doesn’t apply to duplexes. Streams and stormwater requirements are key to what they consider. Tamara asked if we could ask for a clear definition of what they consider infill. A member mentioned that a developer is pressuring people in the neighborhood to allow for development on the lot behind Riverview Terrace. Jamie Scholtzen added that stormwater and environmental degradation will result from the development behind Riverview just like it would for single family homes, so perhaps the definition of “infill” should apply. Ray noted that Huntington is classified as “single family attached”. Ray shared a link to a map viewer that shows infill and conservation plan info.

    • Public Safety Committee (Rep. Jason Zaragoza). The Committee canceled the meeting so members could attend the meeting on the Richmond Hwy development. The NVCCA is opposing the proposal to widen Richmond Hwy to 13 lanes. SSPA (Site Specific Plan Amendment) is looking at Metro development. The transportation study was completed, and it includes 5 - 6 recommendations for Huntington. The HCA discussed the list and would like to approach the county to ask about implementing some of these items soon. Members discussed crosswalk safety and the potential for a flashing crosswalk sign on Huntington near Richmond Hwy. This request was previously denied by VDOT. Nick G. added that there was citizen pushback for lane changes on Seminary Rd, and they were successful, and wondered if we, the HCA can do something similar. Jason Z. will write a resolution for our next meeting. It was also suggested that we let the neighbors know, so they hear it from the Community members framed as a safety issue.

e. President’s Report. Update from Tamara Srader.

  • Heard Supervisor Storck talk about his disappointment about trees that were removed at Fort Hunt Rd.

  • Recently attended a meeting with Mark Viani (lawyer for the Aventon and Metro) and Metro development group. They are asking the county for a plan amendment to develop more land around Metro. Tamara grabbed screenshots of the concept vision for development at Metro. There is no funding currently. The group discussed various aspects associated with this development including retail or lack thereof, and greenspace above what the county might require. Tamara said they talked about considering retail, but there was no specific plan. Ray added that with extra development going on it is concerning that the HCA was not consulted about this, and there has been no mention of increased parkland or greenspace. Four communities were present at the meeting, and she expressed her gratitude that the HCA was given the opportunity to participate.

  • Nick G asked about the HCA requesting more greenspace and a park in the amendment. Ray said that we can request that.

f. Published Agenda Items and Resolutions. None

g. Member Time.

  • Linda, who lives on Victory Drive, mentioned having issues with trash being left all along Huntington Ave, near the bus stops, when the yellow line was shut down a couple years ago and Metro ran shuttle buses. Metro is planning another yellow line shutdown beginning in September to allow for the new station at Potomac Yard to be connected. She was unsuccessful trying to find a solution from Metro last time and would like help figuring out who is responsible. Metro? VDOT? The HCA will write letters to Supervisor Storck’s office and to Metro.

  • A member asked about organizing a social event for National Night out in August. Since there is no July HCA meeting, TS volunteered to organize something and send a note out on Facebook.

  • Jerry noted that he is having weed control problems.

h. Area Associations’ Time. N/A

i. Invited Guests’ Time. N/A

j. Other Elected Representatives’ Time. N/A

k. Public Time. N/A

l. The meeting was adjourned at 20:30


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