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August 2022 Meeting Minutes - Approved

HCA Meeting August 4, 2022

Zoom meeting attendees: 15


  • Tamara Srader, President

  • Mark Rogers, Vice President

  • Michelle Arsenault, Secretary

  • Michael Hamill, Treasurer (not present)

a. Call to Order @19:33

b. Approval of Minutes. The HCA doesn’t meet in July. Minutes for June 2022 were approved with a correction to an incorrect name under the treasurer’s report.

c. Treasurer’s Report.

Tamara Srader gave the treasurer update. Last year the HCA changed the schedule, so dues are collected at the beginning of each year. Currently we have 22 paying members, out of 400 people on the mailing list. Dues are $12.00/year, and are used to pay fees for website maintenance, which is about $200.00/year, registration to the state of VA ( around $50) so we can get a bank account, as well as dues for several Mount Vernon citizen committees ($150) that HCA members participate in.

d. Committee and Other Reports

  • Mt. Vernon Council meetings.

    • Environment and Recreation Committee (E & R) (Rep. Alan Ruof). The E&R met in early July and there were three main topics: 1. VA Dept of environmental quality gave a presentation on environmental justice, which doesn’t include climate change. 2. The committee passed a resolution on living shorelines, which pertains to owners who have waterline property. Alan noted that the resolution was polemic, assertive, and opinionated and the Wetland board is not considering owners’ rights. 3. Army Corp. of Engineers is studying coastal flooding in NoVA, focused on Belle View and Alexandria. It seems to focus more on coastal flooding, not on river flooding. They are looking at a flood wall, but the National Park Service is resisting. Alan will provide more information as it progresses.

      • Update on levee activity – work began in June on the “eye wall” and is expected to continue through the end of the year. There’s a chain-link barrier to keep people away.

    • Planning & Zoning Committee (Rep. Ray Novitske). No update.

    • Infill Development (Ray Novitske). No update.

    • Public Safety Committee (Rep. Jason Zaragoza). No update.

    • Education Committee (Mark Rogers). No update as the committee has not met.

    • Rosa (from Wesley housing/Arden development) contacted Tamara to let her know that she is working with a group interested in buying the Moon Inn on Richmond Highway to develop a senior living facility. It’s a little outside our neighborhood, so Tamara suggested Rosa contact the Mount Vernon Council for feedback.

  • e. President’s Report. Update from Tamara Srader.

    • Acknowledged and thanked people who paid their dues during the call! Join here: As a reminder, dues are $12.00/year, and it supports a small volunteer organization. Paying members can vote on resolutions and in elections for officers.

    • HCA Officer elections are in November, and we will vote for a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer (1 year terms). Reach out to Tamara for information.

  • New construction at Aventon is towering over Biscayne Drive, and they have a couple more stories to build. Construction starts at 7am each day.

  • Veterans Final Salute ( The house at the top of Biscayne is not occupied yet, and they are doing some construction and repairs. Tamara has reached out to the new executive director on behalf of the neighborhood.

  • Tamara has been hearing from community members about the Arden development and has filed a complaint. The construction crew has been blocking the end of Biscayne a lot. The HCA will invite the site manager to a future meeting to get an update. According to a recent article in the Alexandria Patch, the Arden is supposed to be completed in September/October, but that is dubious.

  • There have been reports of car break-ins and Tamara reminded folks to stay alert and lock your car doors.

  • Tamara shared a link for the Mount Vernon Council report, and highlighted information about the road diet/bike lanes on Huntington.

  • Huntington was in the news in relation to the speed limit lowering on Richmond Highway.

  • A member mentioned that the pothole at the end of Biscayne near the construction site is getting bad. Tamara will send a note to the Arden contact to ask if they can fill it.

  • Update on Metro shutdown. Metro will shut down the yellow line in September. The last time Metro shut down and they ran buses instead, there was a problem with trash at the bus stations on Huntington, and a member of the community ended up cleaning it herself every day. Tamara will contact Metro and ask if they can add extra trash cans.

f. Published Agenda Items and Resolutions. None.

g. Member Time.

  • Jerry reported a power outage on Victory Drive (lower Huntington) and wondered if anyone else had issues. It might have been a powerline.

  • A member asked about National Night Out, which was this past Tuesday (August 2). Because we didn’t plan anything, Tamara suggested we start thinking about a Fall gathering.

h. Area Associations’ Time. N/A

i. Invited Guests’ Time. N/A

j. Other Elected Representatives’ Time. N/A

k. Public Time. N/A

l. The meeting was adjourned at 20:05


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