Approved - HCA May Meeting
Draft - HCA Meeting Minutes May 2, 2024
Zoom meeting attendees: 9
· Tamara Srader, President
· Mark Rogers, Vice President
Official meeting called to Order 7:02 pm
· Review of Minutes from April 2024 - minutes can be found on the HCA website The minutes from the April 2024 meeting were voted on and approved with no corrections.
· Treasurer’s Report. HCA member dues are due in January. $12:00/year.
The Treasurer was not attendance, and no report was given. $94.00 was moved from the Paypal account into the checking account as a result of individuals paying their annual dues.
· Committee and Other Reports.
o MVCCA (Mount Vernon Council of Citizens’ Associations, Inc.) If you are interested in volunteering, please go to the MVCCA website for more information. You can also contact Tamara and she can connect people who would like to volunteer.
o MVCCA - Environment and Recreation (E & R) - Alan Ruof – not in attendance
o MVCCA - Planning and Zoning (P & Z) - Ray Novitske – meeting has not happened as meeting did not occur.
o MVCCA - Transportation Committee (TC) - Jason Zaragoza – not in attendance so no report
o MVCCA - Education Committee - Mark Rogers – no meeting and nothing to report
· HCA President’s Report - Tamara Srader – Looking into what it would take for HCA to be registered with the IRS as a 501c3 organization. Ray commented that the designation would go further if we were a 501c3 organization. Would possibly open up the door to many grants such as funding to work on the median on Huntington Avenue. Cost to apply for this is around 800 or 900 dollars and would require an annual tax filing by the organization for Form 990. Ray also commented that there are several designations for non-profits and we would want to pick the correct one. Each one has restrictions on what you can or cannot do to maintain non-profit status. No update and no one has indicated that there are any issues. Stairs are open and people are for the most part picking up their trash. Thinking about adding a trash can at the bottom of the stairs however it would require that we be the ones that empty the trash. Crime continues to occur and is being reported on community boards.
· Two properties on Huntington are the projects on the agenda for Fairfax County in July 2024. The office building next to Huntington Car Care is in the flood zone. Developer is frustrated because they are not getting movement from the county. This development has ground floor retail. The property in front of the Parker is moving forward and this is the plan to have 2nd floor community center included with support from Fairfax County staff. MVCCA also does not support the community center. The current community center does not support the Huntington Community (as an example our Christmas party was almost impossible to host). How to justify this community and what are the plans for use? Supervisor Stock also is supporting this. Would recommend the group show up to the Planning Commission in July.
· HCA Member Time : Mark reported that he did report to Fairfax County Parks that the gate to the road to the park at the top of the hill; this was an accessibility issue and gates have remained open. Path maintenance on top of Blaine we believe that Montebello is keeping this clean; Stairs on Biscayne now have a light and safety has been enhanced. There was also a discussion about potentially undergrounding utilities by Dominon near the Levy on Fenwick. She will be sending a copy of the document after the meeting for review.
· The meeting was adjourned at 7:29pm.