HCA meeting, 6/6/2019
Huntington Community Association Meeting
June 6, 2019
1. Welcome and Introductions:
• Art Ovalle, President
• Laura Main, Treasurer
• David Sears, Secretary
Attendance: 14
2. HCA Committee Reports:
Mount Vernon Council of Community Associations (MVCCA)
General Council Meeting – Art Ovalle
Discussed a proposed pedestrian tunnel under Richmond Highway near Gum Springs.The local community association opposes it but the MVCCA General Council nevertheless voted its support.Supervisor Storck supports it as well and as usual is proposing another tax to help pay for it.
The Embark project to widen Route 1 is researching how to fund moving utility poles and wires underground.
Planning and Zoning - Ray Novitske
Woodlawn estate has requested permission to include a commercial option
7-Eleven at 8629 Richmond Highway (Lukens Lane & Route 1)
discussed a re-design of their monument sign (the redevelopment itself has already been approved)
Much discussion of putting in underground utilities as part of the Richmond Highway expansion.The problem is it’s expensive, and costs are divided between the state, the county, and Dominion Power.
Transportation - Jeff Woodward
No report. Jeff wasn’t in attendance.
Environment and Recreation - Alan Ruof
Huntington Levee Update
The levee ribbon-cutting ceremony will be Saturday, 15 Jun at 10am.
Education – Meghan Woodward
Meghan wasn’t in attendance but we believe the May meeting was cancelled.
Budget and Finance – vacant
Neighborhood Watch – vacant
If you would like to participate in Neighborhood Watch, there is training required.It’s short, a one-hour “class” at district police headquarters, and Art Ovalle will schedule it if there is enough demand.Contact him via the website if you’re interested, or at NeighborhoodWatch.Huntington@gmail.com.
The NW chair is vacant so the HCA is looking for volunteers to take over these NW duties.If interested, please send a note to the above e-mail.
3. New Business/Action Items:
Call for Neighborhood Watch Liaison
Call for Vice President, President
Art Ovalle is leaving the post after August. He has done fantastic work for 2-1/2 years and we’re looking for someone to take his place.
Levee Ribbon Cutting ceremony, June 15th at 10am
7th Annual Huntington Picnic, June 15th immediately after the ribbon-cutting
WMATA begins master planning process for Huntington Station. For more information visit https://www.wmata.com/business/real-estate/upload/Huntington-Metro-Station-Joint-Development-Solicitation.pdf
Special Meeting: Wesley Housing reps and the developer will be at the Community Center on June 12th at 7pm. Constructions starts in a matter of months so this is a final opportunity to ask questions and learn about the project.
Huntington Crossing development: still on track to begin in 2020 despite rumors to the contrary.
Riverside development: work will start in late August on the two parking garages
National Night Out, August 6th at 7pm on the Parker lawn.
4. Old Business/Updates:
Dim Light Program –
The new LED lights have been installed on Arlington Terrace but the new lights for Farrington Avenue are still delayed.The delay is due to County negotiations with Dominion Power over the cost.
Huntington Metro Station construction
HCA attendees asked about delays with the 10A bus, why buses are picking people up on the north side of Huntington, and why there aren’t trash cans to accommodate all the people who line up for buses. Art Ovalle will see if he can get answers from WMATA.
5. Upcoming Local Events in Fairfax County:
Opioid Town Hall Meeting – June 8th at 11am. For more info visit https://www.fairfaxcounty .gov/mountvernon/opioid-town-hall-meeting.
Ecology Walk – June 9th at 10am. For more info visit https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/mountvernon/ecology-walk
6. Other Community Issues:
June 11th: The Community Center will be a polling station for Democrat primaries for those residents of Huntington living north of Huntington Avenue (lower Huntington).