HCA Meeting 5/3/2018
HCA Meeting 5/3/18
Huntington Community Association Meeting
April 5, 2018
1. Welcome and Introductions:
Art Ovalle, President
Julio Alvarez, Vice President
Caitlin Wilson, Treasurer
Everett Price, Secretary
2. HCA Committee Reports:
Huntington Community Center
General Council Meeting – Art Ovalle
Updates regarding Huntington Ave new condos development.
62 ownership-occupied units, similar to 2-over-2 style living.
Planning for public hearings in September, Garages within the buildings, plus some surface pavements. Traffic will flow through Metroview Pkwy and into private entrance.
Considering possible new sidewalk along grassy strip besides Metroview
If they touch the cul-de-sac then it has to be brought up to VDOT standards and there is no room to do that--landscaping may be considered.Will add some street trees along road entry.
Hoping for approval of the plan in September; site plan takes about a year to be finalized; then about a year and a half to construct the building (estimated 2021 for first purchases of properties)
50ft maximum height
Planning and Zoning - Ray Novitske
Please see above
Transportation - Jeff Woodward
Nothing to report
Environment and Recreation - Alan Ruof
Huntington Levee Update
Everything is still on schedule
Resident complained about large tires mixed into a dirt mound. The county representative was contacted and the tires and other debris were removed.
The pump station building has been complete and the backup generator has been installed
Dominion Energy will be relocating some wires in the east end of the site over the next few weeks, and then COX cable will come in to move their wires to align with the power cables.
There will be some concrete work done at the end of Fenwick through the end of May. This will impact the last houses of the street so that they will not have access to their driveway.
Education - Caitlin Wilson
Not present
Budget and Finance – Christoph Schmid
Not present
Neighborhood Watch – Nick Lombardo
Residents are urged to keep an eye out for domestic violance. Summer months often correspond to uptick in security incidents
Don’t hesitate to call the Fairfax County Police non-emergency number: 703-691-2131, or email Nick Lombardo neighborhoodwatch.huntington@gmail.com
3. Upcoming Local Events in Fairfax County:
Mount Vernon Nights Concerts Series (June 1st through August 31st): https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/performances/mt-vernon-nights
4. Other Community Issues:
Julio Alvarez elected as Vice President for HCA 13-0.
Dim Lights -- all paperwork submitted to Dominion, county waiting to hear back from them, then we will decide together which lights to replace, Fenwick will be surveyed next, contact Art about other streets to be added. Update: Arlington Terrace has received upgraded lighting. Rest of neighborhood will receive lighting in phases throughout the next few weeks.
Earth Day was successful, trash was picked up throughout community.