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Approved - March 2022 Meeting Minutes

HCA Meeting March 3, 2022

Zoom meeting attendees: 20

Officers in attendance:

  • Tamara Srader, President

  • Mark Rogers, Vice President

  • Michelle Arsenault, Secretary

a. Call to Order

b. Approval of Minutes.

Minutes for January and February 2022 were approved as written.

c. Treasurer’s Report. Mark reported (via email) having difficulties getting the HCA account transferred to his name, as the Committee is listed as inactive. Expenses paid via membership fees include the website fee, Mt. Vernon Council Committee (MVCC) fee, etc. Alan noted that the MVCCA fees were paid by the president personally, and the HCA is going to reimburse her. (for more information on annual fees paid ($150) to MVCCA please see :

d. Committee and Other Reports

Mt. Vernon Council Committee meetings.

  • Environment and Recreation Committee (Rep. Alan Ruof). Meets the first Wednesday of the month. Discussed living shoreline law (wetlands protection) that is making things tough for those who comply with environmental issues by making them transition to the state law.

    • Proposal for development at NE corner of intersection of RT 1 & Fort Hunt Rd. is unclear at this time.

  • Planning & Zoning Committee (Rep. Ray Novitske). Haven’t met yet this month. Will have a joint meeting with the Transportation Committee. The agenda includes:

    • Revising comprehensive plan to address airport noise. Mostly focused on Dulles.

    • Restriping GW Parkway to improve traffic.

    • Huntwood plaza – someone wants to build a restaurant at this location and is asking for special consideration because it’s in the floodplain.

    • Presentation from the Huntwood group that wants to put an addition on an office building along Cameron Run for a hi-tech vet hospital. Silver glassed office building behind steak place.

    • A member asked when the HCA can weigh-in on this development given that the focus seems to be on zoning changes so they can build what they want, rather than focusing on use. It appears that their proposal includes a use that could change if someone wanted to tear it down and build something else.

    • Infill Development Task Force. The TF held its second meeting. The Fairfax County Zoning Commission provided info on how infill works, including requirements like height, bulk/mass, how far off-grade to place a front door, etc. The TF also discussed its purpose and would like to focus on problems and solutions associated with infill development. Alexandria and Arlington have special zoning codes if your development is considered an infill. The TF will hold its 3rd meeting this month.

  • Public Safety Committee (Rep. Jason Zaragoza). Met this past Tuesday and received an informational briefing from the Fire Department. Discussed recruitment, retention, staffing levels and budget. Staffing levels are good. Training takes 6-9 months.

  • Mt. Vernon town hall is March 23 and provides an opportunity for residents to comment. Same day as Mt. Vernon council meeting.

  • Mt Vernon Stormwater and Education committees are both seeking representatives. Please think about volunteering.

  • Transportation Committee (Rep. Jason Zaragoza). Still trying to get traction on speed issues on Huntington Ave.

e. President’s Report. Update from Tamara Srader, President:

Stormwater survey. Link is also in the meeting invitation and will be posted on the HCA website. Need help from Huntington Community. PLEASE take the survey to let the county know about our water issues. Please share links with other neighbors not on call.

f. Published Agenda Items and Resolutions. None.

g. Member Time. N/A

h. Area Associations’ Time. N/A

i. Invited Guests’ Time.

Mark Coletta, Senior Management Director for the Aventon Development, joined to provide an update on construction.

  • Project timeline/noise levels. Working on wood framing and then parking garage will begin. As work moves indoors it should quiet down. The HCA asked for a schedule or a heads up about potential noise. They are 8 months into a 24-month project. It will be about 12 months until stairs at top of Biscayne are available. A member asked who owns the stairs at Biscayne. The FF County Park Authority.

  • Montebello Bus will start operating soon. They are aware of spots along the bus path that are puddling and will mitigate as needed before construction is done.

  • WMATA project across from Aventon Development is on hold.

  • Asked that the community make a wish list for the future developers of the Metro properties seeking accommodations or specific requests.

  • Acknowledged that they were not great about informing us about the start of construction.

  • A week or two ago, the construction crew began at 6:00 am. The HCA requested that they don’t begin before 7:00 am. Mark will pass along that information to the on-site manager.

  • Mark offered to set up a tour of the site. Greg Schnetzler is the onsite project manager, and we can approach him if needed. Mark sent his contact info: 703.398.3191.

  • A member asked when the building will reach the final height. Not entirely sure but it might be July or August. Will provide a more detailed construction schedule to the HCA.

  • The HCA extended an invitation for Mark to return to provide another update.

Dave Johnson, Project Manager, Wesley Housing/Arden Development at the corner of Biscayne and Huntington. Dave recently replaced Rosa.

  • Working on interior and brick façade – should be done in about 6-8 weeks. One exterior easement issue to resolve, for which they had to go to FF County. An artist was selected to do an art project and it involves a neighboring easement.

  • The art project, which is a tree canopy sculpture, will begin pending approval by the Fairfax County Zoning Board.

  • Mark Rogers noted potholes at the bottom of Biscayne that are a safety issue, and asked that they be addressed.

  • There are new security cameras on site as a preventative measure.

  • Residents will begin moving in in mid-September or early October. Wesley leasing office will be on first floor.

  • The Arden will have an onsite community center that will provide resident services such as adult education, and after school programs for kids.

  • Ownership of 7-11. Wesley has approached the owners of the 7-11 about paving their parking lot for free in an effort to improve the neighborhood. Although they have a good relationship with the franchise group, the owner will not allow them to repave. The HCA would like to send a representative from the neighborhood to talk with the owners to convince them to accept the offer.

j. Other Elected Representatives’ Time. N/A

k. Public Time.

  • Land near levy: Bert asked about the lack of trees on the land/lawn next to the levy on the Arlington terrace side, which is flat and contains only grass. Alan noted that it’s probably park authority land, and land closer to the levy would be under the purview of the Army Corp of Engineers. The land directly adjacent to the levy, would have to free of trees (and might have a 40-foot clearance requirement). Bert is going to contact the park authority to ask about possible options for improvements that are not big trees with deep roots.

  • Mark Rodgers noted that the port-o-potty is back at Mt. Eagle park.

  • Mark also noted lots of broken glass left on the street from Fairfax County sanitation workers, and asked who to contact about getting it cleaned up. A member suggested contacting Fairfax road maintenance

  • Nick mentioned the possibility of getting a purple glass recycling container closer to the neighborhood. Jamie offered to take glass to the recycling bins for folks who needed assistance. Several people suggested that the Aventon could maybe add a purple bin to their project.

  • Ray mentioned that his attached neighbor on Fifer is moving and is asking $475, 000. Another house on Biscayne is on the market for $425,000, and there will soon be two more available on Riverview Terrace.

  • Jamie is on Board of Fairfax, and let the HCA know that they provide native seedlings and seeds for free. They also partner with the Soil and Water conservation district to do rain barrel workshops.

  • Jefes, the new TexMex restaurant on Huntington is opening this week.

l. The meeting was adjourned at 21:01


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