HCA Meeting 9/7/17
1. Welcome and Introductions:
Art Ovalle, President
Jeff Woodward, Vice President
Harry Shepler, Treasurer
Everett Price, Secretary
2. Guest Speakers/Presentaions:
McGuirelief LLP., Riverside Apartments – 2000 Huntington Avenue
No significant changes to plan presented in May; here to provide overview and answer questions (click here to see updated slide deck).
Decreasing hard surface by 1 acre and adding storm water controls
Proposing Traffic light on Huntington Ave.; will line up with shopping strip; left turn lane would be created for eastbound Huntington traffic to turn into development; light won’t be required until full build out
Connection to Cameron Run trail
Going before Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors on October 5th and 9th respectively
Have to go through Administrative Site Plan process; late 2018 breaking ground if everything goes perfectly; will be a phased project
New lighting will be installed throughout the development
Currently 1,022 units at Riverside, new development will add 700+
Proposed 1.3 parking ratio based on proximity to metro; ~1.48 current ratio
Two above ground parking structures and one underground parking structure
No solar panels planned, but lots of LED and shade structures on parking structures
Will create 5 access points along Cameron Run Dr.; Riverside will no longer be a gated community
Can consider dog park for Cameron Run park
Plan to retain existing convenience store for residents, no additional retail envisioned
Huntington Mews (town homes west of Riverside) generally supportive; deciding whether to include pedestrian connection with their community
Trail connections envisioned, including with Park Authority trail
Community member raised potential problems presented by new proposed traffic light for right turn off Rt 1. onto Huntington
G. Neel Teague, Stout & Teague, Property Development, Management & Advisory Services
CRC Realty here too--longstanding partners on this project
Stout and Teague working with community since late 1990s on 35 acres on top of hill that was owned by Metro
15 year old plan; put 48 townhouses and 420 units in four story apartment buildings; were working toward a high-rise component around and behind existing new Metro parking lot that opened in 2008
Recession hit and derailed high-rise project
Possible development being discussed on four remaining acres where old transit police building was; could have retail around garage and a commercial building
Stout and Teague does not want to pursue high-rise; 12-14 story for 180 units had been proposed; doesn't take sufficient advantage of Metro location
Reassessing use of that site
Working to assess and gather community input for what the site could be someday (click here to see attached presentation)
No plan to get rid of trees, most trees present in conservation easements
Major structural problems at original metro parking lot
Example of possible development: could create 5-story longer building; there would be lighting around such buildings
Park authority opposes installation of lights along Montebello bus route because parks are closed at dark and it would incentivize after hours use
Community would like a sidewalk to connect to Metro but WMATA opposed
Montebello retreated from skywalk idea years ago when plan was far along because they would assume maintenance responsibility
Stout and Teague is under a proffer obligation to maintain Montebello bus route/path
Slope too steep to connect bus path to where concrete stairs are currently
Can start discussing redirection of Montebello bus route (see presentation slides) independent of timing of rest of redevelopment
Have not explored condos instead of apartments; Metroview struggled at first
Comprehensive plan now allows for 380 units; originally could do only 180
Asked about co-op possibility; noted that there have been no new co-ops in DC area in 50 years
Email Art if you want to be a point person on this project
3. HCA Committee Reports:
Mount Vernon Council of Community Associations (MVCCA)
General Council Meeting – Art Ovalle
Planning and Zoning - Ray Novitske
Transportation - Jeff Woodward
Environment and Recreation - Alan Ruof
Passed resolution supporting Dike Marsh
Park Authority undergoing new comprehensive plan
Health and Human Services - Vacant
Education - Caitlin Wilson • Budget and Finance – Christoph Schmid
Neighborhood Watch – David Sears
Email if you want to join
July success in stopping some incidents
Citizens Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday, September 12
4. New Business/Action Items/Updates:
Discuss/Vote: HCA Letter of Support: McGuireWoods LLP., Riverside Apartments – 2000 Huntington Avenue
HCA members voted unanimously (20) for letter of support for general idea of Riverside redevelopment; the letter does not endorse specifics of plan
New HCA Website Presentation – Everett Price
Huntington Neighborhood Cleanup September 23rd
September 23rd at 10am, meet at Old Chicago’s, trash bags and gloves provided
Request to Install a Trash Can at the Bus Stop in Front of 7-Eleven - Update
After neighborhood cleanup, Art asked County and County approved permanent trash can in front of 7-11
County said it will be in place in two weeks
Discuss/Solicit Volunteers for County Dim Streetlight Program for Farrington Avenue
Need volunteers to collect signatures on Farrington to support Huntington’s participation in LED streetlight replacement program; email Art if you’re interested
If light is out now, go to Dominion energy website and report burned out lights
5. Old Business/Updates:
Update - Former Sunoco Gas Station - 5928 Richmond Highway, Alexandria VA. 22303
County recently started fining property owner, now boarded up and cleaned up property
No news on what is going on with purchase
HCA Members Vote: Revised HCA Bylaws
New Huntington Community Association Logo
If someone wants to volunteer to design a new logo (or knows someone who might), would love to hear from you!
6. Upcoming Topics and Guest Speakers:
7. Upcoming Local Events in Fairfax County:
Reduced Cost Rabies Clinic – Sunday, September 10th, 10:00am – 12:00pm. Cost is $15 per pet. – 4500 West Ox Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030
EMBARK Richmond Highway – Saturday, September 16th, 9:00am – 12:00p.m. – West Potomac High School Library, 6500 Quander Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22307
8. Other Community Issues:
Thanks to Laura Main for leadership in organizing National Night Out
Code enforcement along Huntington Ave
Code enforcement officer working with restaurant to get the loose sign fixed
Code enforcement fined owner of business that ran business out of their home on Huntington
Storm water
County sometimes cleans out storm water alleys in community
You can report clogged storm drains to the County
Report the issue and tell Art if they don’t respond