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June 2023 Minutes - Approved

Draft - HCA Meeting Minutes June 1, 2023

Zoom meeting attendees: 16


  • Tamara Srader, President

  • Mark Rogers, Vice President

  • Michelle Arsenault, Secretary

Call to Order @19:32 (7:32pm)

  • Announcement & overview of published agenda

  • Review of Minutes from May 2023 - minutes can be found on the HCA website The minutes from the May 2023 meeting were voted on and approved with no corrections.

  • Treasurer’s Report. No update. Tamara thanked members for joining, and for paying dues. She is working on getting others to join. There have been no expenditures in 2023 from the HCA account as Tamara has paid items out of her pocket for ease. These expenses will be submitted by the end of 2023.

  • Committee and Other Reports

  • MVCCA - Environment and Recreation - Alan Ruof. Meeting next Wednesday, so no new report.

  • MVCCA - Planning and Zoning - Ray Novitske. Has not met yet this month. No agenda yet.

  • Last meeting they talked about the development on Huntington Ave in front of the Parker where they want to add a community center.

  • The developer and the community want retail, but the county (one specific department at county) is pushing back. This county department who will run it.

  • Would like to send a letter from HCA asking for retail and not a community center. Ray recommended that we write a letter and review the resolution already on file.

  • The fate of the community center on Liberty Drive is unclear.

  • According to a map presented by Ms. Strobel the proposed retail area is in the 100-year floodplain.

  • This same information has been presented at other committee meetings.

  • MVCCA - Transportation Committee - Jason Zaragoza. Met earlier in the month and passed resolution opposing the “Parking Reimagined” proposal.

    • Huntington was called out specifically, so they know there is no retail in the area. The resolution also included language about environmental offsets. The main reason for opposition is that one person has unilateral power to make decisions with no public hearing or input. Jason encouraged members to testify at the July 26 Planning Commission meeting. The Fairfax Board of Supervisors is not taking it up until September.

    • The proposal aims to reduce minimum parking from 1.6/unit to 1.3. And the Director of development services can reduce it to 0.5 per unit unilaterally.

    • The no parking signs on Biscayne/Huntington in front of the Arden have been installed. Jason said he saw some tickets on vehicles yesterday and today.

    • The County fixed the light at Biscayne/Huntington. In case there are future problems, the Fairfax County non-emergency is 703-691-2131.

  • MVCCA - Education Committee - Mark Rogers. No Education meetings until the fall. The Committee will meet only 3 times a year.

  • Tamara volunteered to be Secretary for the MVCCA and will be responsible for note taking at two meetings a month. The MVCCA meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month.

  • Fairfax County - Infill Development Task Force - Ray Novitske. No meeting for several months. The representative from Supervisor Storck’s office is leaving or may have left already.

  • HCA President’s Report - Tamara Srader.

    • The Fairfax non-emergency number was shared in chat. Please report parking violations.

    • Working with Fairfax County police about enforcing parking restrictions. Stickers are 1A.

    • Lots of activity at top of Biscayne stairs - Doing some landscaping, and cutting down more trees.

    • There was a tree service cutting limbs that were near power lines.

    • Dos Jefes back patio is open now.

    • Reminder - please consider your dues for 2023 – it’s 12.00/year and they can be paid via PayPal:

  • HCA Member Time (if you would like to discuss a specific topic, please email Tamara Srader, HCA president prior to the meeting at

    • Alan thanked Tamara for running for Secretary of MVCCA.

    • Both Alan and Ray thanked the group for supporting Dos Jefes so they could open their back patio.

    • Ray noted that we have some new folks in the neighborhood and he is trying to let them know to join the community association. Ray suggested a community picnic and neighborhood gathering and offered to co-organize with someone. Jamie recommended the orchard at the top of Blaine as a location. The proposed date is July 15 with a rain date of either July 16 or 22.

    • Dustin, who lives at the Arden and has a service dog (Tia), asked about trash and broken glass at the 7-11 parking lot and the sidewalk in front, and d who to contact to address it. He is in a wheelchair, and it poses a danger to both him and his dog. The HCA has struggled to communicate with the owners of 7-11. VDOT maintains the sidewalks.

    • Alan suggested using the bus stop closer to the Metro station, as a temporary measure.

    • VDOT is responsible for repairing sidewalks. Property owners are responsible for cleanup.

    • Tamara will send contact information for multiple people so neighbors can write letters. She also suggested perhaps alerting the media that this is a safety issue.

    • Nick suggested taking pictures to document the glass/trash issue. Justin will take pics and send to Nick (email in chat)

    • Linda indicated that there are a lot of people along Huntington Ave. that are upset about speeding. There is a lot of frustration, and folks are seeking solutions. The “Road Diet” proposal for Huntington (as well as other locations in the County) is under discussion, and Peyton will invite someone from Fairfax County to come talk to us so we can provide feedback.

    • Ray indicated that there are some speed cameras, but they are expensive and authorized in only 4 school zones. There was legislation to put cameras in construction zones. Speeding is an issue in many communities, and maybe if we approach the county collectively, they may do something about it.

    • Nick also mentioned the parking issue and traffic density. If we increase parking, it will bring in more people.

    • Jason added in the chat: “Jamie, there is a reporter who attends the MVCCA meetings regularly who writes about Mt. Vernon for a website called Her name is Erika Christ

    • “Parking Reimagined” proposal would reduce parking but there’s no talk of increasing retail. The HCA has talked to the Zoning Commission multiple times, and they basically say no about retail in this area. The link to the information can be found here:

    • As to the Road Diet – Ray expressed concern that it’s difficult to get out of Fifer or Mt Vernon Ave as there is no light at the intersection of Huntington, so if they reduce the lanes it might exacerbate the problem.

    • Action items for HCA members: Letter campaigns for Storck’s office, VDOT, County, Reporter, and a conversation with Dos Jefes about cleanup of sidewalk in front of business.

    • Dog waste bags seem to be sparse in this area. The few that are around seem to be owned by private business. Fairfax County does not seem to support installing these. Liz noted that there are several bag stations at Mt. Eagle Park, which the park authority maintains.

  • The meeting was adjourned at 20:39


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