HCA Meeting 6/7/18
Huntington Community Association Meeting
June 7, 2018
1. Welcome and Introductions:
Art Ovalle, President
Julio Alvarez, Vice President
Caitlin Wilson, Treasurer
Everett Price, Secretary
2. HCA Committee Reports:
Mount Vernon Council of Community Associations (MVCCA)
General Council Meeting – Art Ovalle
Voted to approve two new co-chairs, including Earl Flanagan (former planning commissioner)
Cathy Ledeck named Lady Fairfax
Wendy’s/Pizza Hut stretch should be torn down soon; developer has encountered some problems, however
Riverside developers also interested in purchasing the Sunoco property; gas station company still intent on pursuing construction of gas station there (County will not support the gas station)
Plant nursery on Rt. 1 delayed in opening (was supposed to open in March); will be a temporary nursery
Old Huntington metro parking garage will be demolished next year during other scheduled station improvements
Planning and Zoning - Ray Novitske
Presentation for Huntington Crossing development behind Midtown (nothing significant to report)
Argument over townhouse developments near Roy Rogers; County opposes developer and plan to build on land that contains both resource protection area and flood area
No decisions made
Transportation - Jeff Woodward
Resident raised issue of drunk driver smashing up some cars in front of playground on Farrington Ave.; overnight incident but unclear whether perpetrator was apprehended
Residents interested in speed bumps, particularly around the playground, or other traffic calming measures
Art will do research into possible measures
Environment and Recreation - Alan Ruof
Huntington Levee Update
Everything is on schedule
Submitted application for early relief from flood insurance rates (normally would require approx 6 months after completion of the project for flood insurance rates relief to kick in)
No flood protection until permanent pumps are installed and levee construction is completed on both ends of the neighborhood
Education - Caitlin Wilson
Not present
Budget and Finance – Christoph Schmid
Not present
Neighborhood Watch – Nick Lombardo
Summer months often correspond to uptick in security incidents
Some incidents reported around the commercial strip on Huntington Ave.
Don’t hesitate to call the Fairfax County Police non-emergency number: 703-691-2131, or email Nick Lombardo neighborhoodwatch.huntington@gmail.com
3. New Business/Action Items:
HCA Board, Levee Site Tour – May 25th
Will post pictures
Discuss Private Advertisements on the HCA Website
Realtor has requested to advertise; discussion about advisability of accepting such offers
6th Annual Huntington Picnic – Saturday, June 23rd, at 1:00pm
National Night Out – August 7th at 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Laura Main volunteered again to coordinate
Huntington Neighborhood Cleanup
4. Old Business/Updates:
Dim Light Program Update – Farrington Avenue and Arlington Terrace
Art spoke to County on Monday; issue is still with Dominion but County will press them for progress
5. Guest Speaker(s):
Daniel Storck, Supervisor, Mount Vernon District
Discussed development plan for structured parking and more units
Design will be more open to the neighborhood/community and include public park areas, boat launch, and path connections to the levee trail
Working to ensure trail connections from Telegraph Rd to National Harbor through Ourisman property and with VDOT connection under Rt 1
On track to be completed in Spring 2019; everything on track or ahead of schedule
Noted planned Huntington Club Condominiums development and Wesley Housing development along Huntington Ave.
Clusters of development connected by bus rapid transit system in dedicated lanes
7 years away from seeing highway open; funding source supposed to be approved soon
Year 2026–first phase of bus rapid transit system projected opening
Farmer’s market every Friday from 8am-noon at Sherwood Regional Library
For more information: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/farmersmarkets
Recent zoning change facilitated increase in area of backyards that can be covered in impermeable surfaces, but only for larger lots
Power outages
Farrington and Arlington Terrace outages lasting several hours
Storck pledged to follow up with Virginia Power; will ask for their response, will solicit community views, and will convene meeting with Virginia Power if need be
6. Upcoming Local Events in Fairfax County:
Mount Vernon Nights Summer Concert Series
Friday Evenings, June 1st through August 31st at 7:30pm, Grist Mill Park
Saturday Evenings, June 2nd through August 25th at 7:00pm, Workhouse Arts Center
For more information: https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/performances/mt-vernon-nights
Workhouse Arts Center Fireworks Show
5:00pm-10:00pm, Saturday, June 30th
Workhouse Arts Center 9518 Workhouse Way, Lorton, VA 22079
For more information: http://www.workhousearts.org/event/workhousefireworks2018/
2018 Primary Election
Date: June 12, 2018
Time: 6:00am to 7:00pm
Additional Information: https://www.866ourvote.org/state/va
7. Other Community Issues: