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HCA Meeting 4/5/17

Welcome and Introductions:

  1. Art Ovalle, President

  2. Jeff Woodward, Vice President

  3. Harry Shepler, Treasurer

  4. Everett Price, Secretary

  5. Recognition:

  6. Thanks to the Parker Apartments and Capital Investment Advisors for allowing HCA the use of their party room and parking lot, respectively

  7. HCA Committee Reports:

  8. MVCCA General Meeting – Art

  9. Unable to attend; But the agenda was mostly covering the County Budget, which Christoph will discuss (see below)

  10. Planning and Zoning – Ray

  11. Absent

  12. Transportation – Jeff

  13. Budget – Christoph

  14. Fairfax County Budget Proposal was discussed (see Budget Presentation here)

  15. 4% increase in real estate taxes took place in FY17; lack of increase this year leaves county in tight spot regarding education

  16. Schools account for 52.8% of budget

  17. School Board asked for $113m additional for FY18, but only received $52m

  18. the topic frequently being discussed is how to maintain competitive teacher salaries; this issue is not going away and is likely to only get worse

  19. County doesn’t get adequate support from military to finance schools that support bases, namely around Ft Belvoir

  20. Committee resolution listed Education, Public Safety, Health and Human Services as top priorities

  21. Committee passed resolution establishing priorities (see passed resolution here)

  22. Real estate tax will stay where it is and not be reduced, every cent off tax puts the county another $24m in the red

  23. A 2.5% increase in the real estate tax would erase the deficit

  24. Budget in process of receiving public comments, supposed to be adopted in early May

  25. In the future will want a more robust discussion in HCA to bring points to MVCCA

  26. Resolution drafted by budget committee, each committee passes individual resolutions, they are submitted directly to Board of Supervisors

  27. Fairfax County gets 22 cents back on every dollar of revenue it sends to Richmond because of wealth transfer to the south of the state

  28. Education - Caitlin

  29. Voted on Education Committee resolution (see resolution here)

  30. Revenue falls $61m short, requiring cuts on programmatic end and staffing; cutting teachers increases class size

  31. Resolution says we need to maintain our reputation as destination for people looking for good schools

  32. Fairfax County Schools and the Mount Vernon School Board Representative explained how Department of Defense doesn’t do their part for schools around Ft. Belvoir

  33. Reduction of workforce likely to be result of cuts; also cuts to extracurricular programs

  34. Need to do a better job getting information to HCA ahead of resolution passage to get input for votes

  35. Transportation – Jeff

  36. No chair for transportation committee—volunteers needed!

  37. Jeff raised the issue of the U-turn at Huntington & Rt1 where the left turn arrow from Huntington onto Rt 1 and the right turn arrow from Rt 1 onto Huntington conflict and can lead to accidents; discussing ways of properly synchronizing the lights

  38. Planning and Zoning – Jeff

  39. Plan discussed for parcel next to Walmart/Chuckie Cheese

  40. Someone has bought area around tae kwon do studio and a few houses; getting community feedback on initial plans

  41. County has plan for intersection near Walmart

  42. April 18: revised Rt1 Embark plan will be released

  43. North Hill project underway

  44. Huntington/Telegraph intersection “No Turn on Red”

  45. County unwilling to change it back to “when pedestrians present”

  46. Posting police officer more often for enforcement,

  47. Change was made because of concern about traffic accidents and pedestrian safety, coming off the commuter bridge

  48. County might look into addressing the long light

  49. Levee Update – Jeff on behalf of Alan

  50. The levee groundbreaking ceremony was held March 23, including Supervisor Dan Storck, Chairman Sharon Bulova, and former supervisor Gerry Hyland, county staff, and members of our community.

  51. The County held the first partnering session with the Archer Western Construction Co. and Arcadis consultants. The purpose is to plan and ensure good communication for the duration of the project and there will be quarterly meetings.

  52. The security fence requested by Midtown and Parker residents at the Metroview end has been completed.

  53. The erosion sediment control setup has been completed.

  54. Construction of the access road has reached to about Liberty Drive. When it's finished, it will run to the east end of the site.

  55. Deep excavation for the main and low-flow pump stations is beginning, as is excavation for the "keyway," which is an area of poor soils that must be removed at about Liberty Drive.

  56. Tree clearing has been completed and the removed trees will be mulched. When construction is complete, the County will plant trees for transitional screening along the Arlington Terrace side of the site.

  57. Sunday, April 9th, 9am-noon, Mount Eagle Park Restoration of Natural Habitat Clean-up

  58. Neighborhood Watch – David

  59. Police beat has been pretty quiet

  60. David Sears has taken over the HCA Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, until someone else volunteers.

  61. New Business/Action Items:

  62. Art had good meeting with HCA officers last month to discuss various action items

  63. Huntington Neighborhood Cleanup

  64. April 22: Stairwells on Biscayne, sweep some of Huntington

  65. We are the organization that has adopted Huntington, so we need to clean that area

  66. Tried to reach out to Boy Scouts for community service help; still trying to get a response

  67. Crosswalk safety issue

  68. Huntington & Metroview intersection; buses taking right turn on red, which is illegal

  69. Art will reach out to WMATA, Fairfax Connector

  70. HCA flyer distribution

  71. April 29th: handing out flyers in neighborhood

  72. Aim is to get the word out about HCA

  73. Community member suggested targeting new homeowners in the area, to inform them of HCA

  74. Huntington Community Picnic

  75. Need to identify date; need to ensure Farrington Park will be open

  76. Rolling HCA Memberships

  77. Proposed idea of offering rolling membership enrollment, instead of calendar-year enrollment;

  78. This would avoid people paying for a full year if they join part way through

  79. Community member suggested may be too much work to keep track of $10

  80. HCA looking into Paypal, or some other option for electronic payment to facilitate this process

  81. Overall the proposal met with the approval of community members in attendance

  82. Will plan to vote on rolling dues issue and electronic collection of dues at next monthly meeting

  83. Farrington Park

  84. Art had conference call with Fairfax county park representative two weeks ago; Farrington park was closed too early, which is why it sat idle for so long before work began

  85. Best case, re-open second week in May; worst case, last week in May

  86. All equipment has arrived

  87. Replacing fence with black vinyl covered chain link fence

  88. Art inquired about a 6ft. fence on the backside of the park, to disguise the neighboring backyard/fence. County considering 6ft chain link along the back with slats to hide what’s behind it.

  89. AOL email address

  90. Newsletter mailing system is getting bounce back from all AOL email addresses

  91. Seeking to reach affected people to ask for alternative contact information

  92. May HCA meeting

  93. Trying to secure Midtown, but could also use Parker again

  94. Huntington and Belleview Emergency Response Plan

  95. Huntington Community Center is no longer an emergency evacuation location for Huntington residents, and has not been since 2014

  96. Huntington Metro and Mount Eagle Elementary School are closest new relief points

  97. Relief points are places to find supplies and where emergency responders are centrally located.

  98. Fairfax County Emergency Operation Plan – Updated June 2015

  99. Website overhaul

  100. Ray Novitske and Everett Price working together to propose overhaul of website that would cleanup content, streamline navigation, and add improved functionality for a community calendar, posting updates/meeting minutes, newsletter subscription/unsubscription/distribution, membership enrollment, dues paying

  101. Will provide regular updates and will request community feedback as they go along

  102. Guest Speaker from Wesley Housing Development Corp.:

  103. Did not arrive, will reschedule

  104. Old Business/Updates:

  105. Community Center Restoration

  106. Art expressed concern about time it has taken to get work done to Supervisor Storck

  107. The fire system needed many upgraders, so the county is taking advantage of the Comminuty Centers renovation to replace fire system(sprinklers and alarms); custom work was required

  108. Supervisor Storck wants it open by June 2nd for kids summer programs

  109. Supervisor Storck will come to June meeting, hopefully in newly-opened community center

  110. Light pole outages

  111. Huntington-Telegraph lights out; learned that some work is contracted out, some done by VDOT

  112. VDOT replaced over 65 lights in our little area, and pedestrian bridge (Eisenhower-Telegraph)

  113. Art expressed to VDOT that this was unacceptable, and that it shouldn’t happen again

  1. Huntington Club Condominiums

  2. March scheduled vote pushed back

  3. Working on paperwork; 99% ready to vote

  4. Four weeks for residents to look through packet

  5. Vote to take place by end of May; results looking good

  6. Huntington Crossing

  7. Lennar property behind Midtown

  8. Lowered to height of Parker in two plans and developer doesn’t like new designs

  9. Attorney willing to come in May after more new designs are considered

  10. Light outages

  11. Biscayne Drive(near Mount Eagle Park) is maintained by MonteBello

  12. Wooded area belongs to Stout and Teague

  13. Stout and Teague still has plans develop the wooded area, and area where the Old WMATA Police Station once stood; currently in design phase, still a year or two down the road

  14. Stout and Teague very responsive; Art talked to Teague today, he’s paying engineer to design proposal for light installation

  15. Mr. Teague met with MonteBello; Montebello also willing to work with us; next month, likely to bring all of us together plus one other community that is affected, all this before meeting with County

  16. Sidewalk problem; WMATA doesn’t want people crossing there and have thought about blocking it off; Stout and Teague also meeting with WMATA

  17. Upcoming Events, Topics, Guest Speakers:

  18. Capital Investment Advisors doing some project; want to present to us before presenting to County Board; bringing proposal next month

  19. Huntington Farmers Market; starts April 27, 2017, Thu 3-7 (Smart Markets Huntington)

  20. No July meeting

  21. National Night Out – August 1st

  22. Talking to Midtown to combine efforts

  23. Want to get Fairfax County police, maybe canine demonstration, maybe firetruck, block off Parker Road

  24. Need a non-officer volunteer to help planning starting now

  25. A&R property next to 7-11

  26. HCA wrote letter supporting development a few years ago

  27. Apartments above, retail below; wants to bring company offices into bottom floor

  28. Working with county for credits; County has limited number of credits to distribute per year, doesn’t look likely that A&R will secure their credits

  29. Sounds like delayed by a year due to this

  30. This property encompasses apartment building and two houses behind

  31. Affordable housing for people at 60% of median income

  32. Former Sunoco Gas Station

  33. Trying to find out who won sealed bid

  34. Supervisor Storck doesn’t know either

  35. County opposes new gas station

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