HCA Meeting 11/2/17
Huntington Community Association Meeting
November 2, 2017
Attendance: 18
1. Welcome and Introductions:
Art Ovalle, President
Jeff Woodward, Vice President
Harry Shepler, Treasurer
Everett Price, Secretary
2. Guest Speaker:
Sara Mariska, Walsh Colucci Lubeley & Walsh PC, NorthPoint Development – Huntington Crossing
Site is 6.32 acres
2014: Supervisor Hyland authorizes out-of-turn comprehensive plan amendment to change from commercial to add residential
2016: amendment adopted
Prior developer was considering traditional multi-family development
Current developer proposing
103 units
Western portion: multi-family units, Eastern portion: two-over-two units (two, two-story stacked units)
Less dense development, avoids encroaching on resource protection area (RPA)
All condominium properties
Wood frame construction
No pool; one private amenity deck on the multi-family building
Multi-family building oriented north-south to minimize site obstruction to Midtown
Path would connect to Parker trail and planned levee trail
Plan to file re-zoning plan in mid-November; nine-month process that involves consultations with community and county
3. HCA Committee Reports:
Mount Vernon Council of Community Associations (MVCCA)
General Council Meeting – Art Ovalle
Meeting cancelled
Planning and Zoning - Ray Novitske
No meeting last month
Transportation - Jeff Woodward
Meeting coming up Monday
Environment and Recreation - Alan Ruof
Huntington Levee Update
Alan arranged a walking tour of the site on Nov 1
Many large culverts already in place
Small pump station has foundation of poured concrete
Project 40% complete
Will start doing 8in. Of dirt at a time along the length of the project gradually over the next year
Good weather with limited rain has helped the pace of work
Health and Human Services - Vacant
No meeting
Education - Caitlin Wilson
No meeting til January
Budget and Finance – Christoph Schmid
No meeting
Neighborhood Watch – David Sears/Nick Lombardo
Next training on Wednesday, November 8, at Mt Vernon Police Station
Email David if you want to attend the training; the training is required to be involved
4. New Business/Action Items/Updates:
Call for Nominations: 2018 HCA Officers Positions - President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary
President: Art Ovalle nominated
Vice President: No nominee
Treasurer: Caitlin Wilson nominated
Secretary: Everett Price nominated
Email Art if you’d like to be nominated for Vice President
Vote on 2018 HCA Officers – President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary
Vote taken on President, Treasurer, Secretary: 15 in favo
Discuss and Vote on Updated HCA Bylaws
Primary changes considered:
Rolling membership enrollment
Vote: 14 in favor
Accepting electronic payment in addition to cash or check
Vote: 16 in favor
Increase of membership dues from $10 to $12
Vote: 16 in favor
Huntington Levee Tour – Jeff Woodward
Virginia Department of Transportation: Replacement of Damaged Sidewalk - Huntington Avenue and Metroview Parkway
Repair and replacement of sidewalk from Metroview Parkway along Huntington Ave to Fenwick Dr, on north side of Huntington Ave
Call in similar complaints to VDOT 1-800 number
Huntington Community Center Director – Janet Young
Janet Young resigned, last day last Friday
Current supervisor covers 4-5 community centers
HCA Flyer Handout During Voting Day, Volunteers Needed – Tuesday, November 7th (6:00am – 7:00pm)
David Sears: 6am-9am
Art Ovalle: 5pm-7pm
Most of people south of Huntington Ave vote at Fairhaven Community Center
Last day for in-person absentee voting is Saturday
Discuss the HCA Christmas Potluck
No community meeting in December
5. Old Business/Updates:
Update: Riverside Apartments Redevelopment Project – 2000 Huntington Avenue
$1.4 million in proffers (playground, volleyball courts, kayak launch); Supervisor Storck would not support the project unless they put additional $250,000 into Parks and Recreation for Mt Vernon District; developers agreed to do that; $100K going to basketball court, additional $150K not allocated
Community member noted existence of possibly unused proffer account for a trail connecting Rt 1 to Telegraph Rd.
Update: Huntington Club Condominiums Redevelopment Project - 2601 Indian Drive, Alexandria VA. 22303
Changes approved
Unofficial Pedestrian Walk Through, Huntington Metro Shopping Center – 2243 Huntington Avenue
Property management said they cleaned it up
Update: Final Salute Home Project – 5836 Biscayne Drive
Homeless female veterans’ house under development for over a year
Hit lots of County delays
Promised to clean up the property within a week after phone call with Art
Plan to be done with construction by first of the year
Update: Mount Eagle Park Access Road Relocation - Stout & Teague Property (Top of Hill Near Huntington Metro) – Alan Rouf
Meeting next week with Stout & Teague to discuss road relocation
Update - Request to Install a Trash Can at the Bus Stop in Front of 7-Eleven
Update: Fairfax County Dim Light Program Petitions for Farrington Avenue and Arlington Terrace – Caitlin Wilson and Nick Lombardo
51 signatures for Farrington Ave but want more
Still low on signatures for Arlington Terrace
Interest from other streets south of Huntington Ave
6. Upcoming Topics and Guest Speakers:
7. Upcoming Local Events in Fairfax County:
Virginia Department of Transportation: Richmond Highway Corridor Improvements Fairfax County, Public Information Meeting – Monday, November 6, 2017, 6:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. – Mount Vernon High School, 8515 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22309
Don’t Forget to Vote! General and Special Election – Tuesday, November 7, 2017. Polls Open at 6:00a.m. to 7:00p.m.
For more information on the general election, voter registration, or polling places, visit:
Fairfax County General Registrar: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/elections
Virginia Department of Elections: www.elections.virginia.gov
2nd Annual Tour de Mount Vernon – November 4, 2017 at 8:30a.m. To learn more and register, please visit https://ridewithgps.com/routes/24834911
8. Other Community Issues: