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HCA Meeting 5/3/17

HCA Monthly Meeting

Meeting Minutes

May 3, 2017

  1. Welcome and Introductions:

  2. • Art Ovalle, President

  3. • Jeff Woodward, Vice President

  4. • Harry Shepler, Treasurer

  5. • Everett Price, Secretary

  6. Recognition:

  7. • Midtown at Alexandria Station Condominiums – 2451 Midtown Avenue, Alexandria, VA. 22303a

  8. Guest Speaker

  9. Lori Greenlief, McGuirelief LLP., Riverside Apartments – 2000 Huntington Avenue

  10. Presented attached slide deck about planned redevelopment of Riverside Apartments and answered questions from the community (see slide deck here)

  11. Current Riverside apartments are at 96% occupancy

  12. Have filed paperwork with the County and will engage with Planning Commission and County Board of Supervisors in September or October

  13. Project would break ground in 2018 and first delivery of apartment blocks would take place in 2021 (the project will be delivered in phases)

  14. In total about 750 new units planned, all rental properties, no retail space

  15. All studio or 1-2 bedroom

  16. All controlled access buildings

  17. All featured streets in the development will be private but allow public access

  18. A public access park is planned along Cameron Run; this is 100% coordinated with the levee project and the planned levee trail

  19. A number of dog parks are planned for the development, some near the buildings and others in the park that would be open to the public

  20. Pools and gyms planned for the various buildings

  21. 1.3 parking spaces per unit; will also have Metro shuttle

  22. Developing at the level stipulated in the Master Plan

  23. Submitted traffic study to add traffic light on Huntington Ave. to facilitate egress/ingress of traffic, although analyzing a couple options for how to do it; adding a signal could have benefits for traffic entering/exiting Huntington further down as it would break up the traffic flow with greater regularity

  24. Also planning to increase capacity at traffic lights on Rt. 1 by changing lane lines

  25. Riverside development does not currently have a storm water management system

  26. New development will have modern storm water management, thereby reducing direct runoff into Cameron Run and feature more treatment of storm water

  27. Plan to return in September to provide another update

  1. Paul Browne, Wesley Housing Development Corp., - 2317 Huntington Avenue

  2. Presented attached slide deck and answered questions about planned redevelopment of 2317 Huntington Ave, the red brick apartment building next to 7-11 and the two homes directly behind the apartment building (see slide deck here)

  3. Paul Browne last briefed the HCA in September 2016

  4. Wesley Housing Development Corp is a 40 year old non-profit specializing in affordable housing

  5. A&R, a development company from Baltimore, originally purchased the property and developed plans to redevelop it but failed to secure financiers

  6. Wesley Housing now has the property under contract and is making relatively modest modifications to the A&R development plan

  7. New development would feature 126 affordable rental units

  8. Renters would earn $64K or below

  9. Not section eight housing, renters would pay rent

  10. Likely to attract employees working at the MGM casino, for instance

  11. Current residents will be given relocation assistance and the option to move into the new property when it is finished

  12. Wesley plans to develop using a regular bank loan, plus a subordinate loan from the County, and County tax credits reserved for affordable housing units

  13. Was passed over for credits this year so will have to wait a year for the next opportunity

  14. Construction could begin in 2019 with delivery planned for 2021

  15. A&R’s redevelopment plan featured ground-floor retail but Wesley is proposing to convert that space (and some second-floor space) into office space for Wesley

  16. Paul Browne came to solicit community feedback on the change from retail space to commercial

  17. Retail space is sometime difficult to fill and likely would be so in this area; at least having Wesley offices there would provide a guaranteed and invested tenant

  18. This plan requires an amendment to the final plan and a reduction in the required parking space total

  19. The parking regulation change may fit with ongoing plans in the County to change regulations for office space that is located near a Metro station

  20. HCA Committee Reports:

  21. Mount Vernon Council of Community Associations (MVCCA)

  22. General Council Meeting – Art Ovalle

  23. Supervisor Storck was present

  24. The Mount Vernon Tree Commissioner, Catherine Ledec, gave a presentation about the importance of preserving the trees and natural habitat in Fairfax County. She also gave an update on the Mount Eagle Park Habitat Restoration Project that took place on April 9th.

  25. A Teen Job Fair was held on April 29th at the South County High School in Lorton, Virginia. At least 50 businesses participated in this great event for our county teens.

  26. Planning and Zoning - Ray Novitske

  27. Not present

  28. Transportation - Jeff Woodward

  29. Public meeting to discuss the Rt. 1 Embark bus rapid transit system at Whitman High School on 15 May from 6:30pm-9pm

  30. A full rapid transit system plan should be ready by the end of June

  31. There was a discussion of modifying the intersections along the GW parkway near Belle Have and Belle View due to a recent near-fatal accident, but the Park Service is generally resistant to modifications

  32. Environment and Recreation - Alan Ruof

  33. Levee update

  34. Rain has slightly delayed recent progress on the project

  35. First goal is building the pump station

  36. Key stakeholders will hold a disaster tabletop exercise this month

  37. Art Ovalle met with the County rep. at the construction site; the County rep. invited HCA officers to tour the site soon

  38. Health and Human Services - Vacant

  39. Education - Caitlin Wilson

  40. Caitlin not present; Attending the monthly MVCCA Education Meeting that overlaps with HCA meeting

  41. Education committee has had some discussion of MS-13 issues that are present further down Rt. 1

  42. Budget and Finance – Christoph Schmid

  43. Christoph not present; attending the monthly MVCCA Budget and Finance Meeting that overlaps with HCA meeting

  44. Neighborhood Watch – David Sears

  45. Training required to legally participate in neighborhood watch

  46. Going to get word out soon about upcoming training opportunity

  47. Midtown might get involved in Huntington neighborhood watch network

  48. New Business/Action Items/Updates

  49. Huntington Community Picnic – June 2017

  50. June 17th at 4pm, or June 24th rain date, at Farrington Park

  51. June, Huntington Community Association Meeting - Date and Location

  52. Wednesday, June 7th, at 7:30pm at newly-opened Community Center, Supervisor Storck will attend

  53. Huntington Club Condominiums – 2601 Indian Drive, Alexandria VA. 22303

  54. Condo Assoc. voting from now until August on property sale

  55. Zoning application due in October

  56. Phase 1 of the project will feature “Land Bay A” and cafe (see project design here)

  57. Old Business/Updates

  58. Huntington Neighborhood Cleanup – April 22nd

  59. Cleaned the stairwells at the end of Biscayne and Blaine. Also picked up trash along the back road of Mount Eagle Park/leading to Montebello.

  60. Next Neighborhood Cleanup to be determined

  61. Crosswalk Safety Issue – Huntington Avenue & Metroview Parkway

  62. A traffic officer is now occasionally posted to watch for buses making illegal turns; the officer has also given out jay walking tickets

  63. VDOT has recently redone the uneven sidewalks in front of the Huntington Auto Repair businesses along Huntington Avenue.

  64. HCA Flyer Handouts – HCA Officers (April 29th)

  65. HCA officers handed out flyers about the HCA to all houses between Blaine and Biscayne south of Huntington Ave., also most parts of neighborhood north of Huntington Ave between Farrington and Mt. Vernon

  66. Huntington Community National Night Out Volunteer (Tuesday, August 1st) – Laura Main

  67. Main has volunteered to be the lead for this event.

  68. Midtown Social Committee agreed to join HCA and the Parker Apartments in putting on the National Night Out

  69. Old Business/Updates (continued)

  70. Farrington Park, Renovation Update

  71. On track for completion in mid-May

  72. Huntington Community Center Renovation Update

  73. Recently repaved the entire road/parking lot, and laid new concrete on sidewalks to meet ADA requirements; work still remains on the building

  74. Lighting on Biscayne Drive (Top of Hill Near Huntington Metro) – Stout & Teague Property

  75. Art met with district conservationist and she is now involved in the issue

  76. Teague sent lighting engineer out to evaluate the situation; Neil Teague is awaiting engineers report

  77. Bylaws Update - David Sears

  78. Bylaws were written in 1991 and in need of review

  79. Changes were aimed at removing unnecessary provisions that are no longer applicable

  80. No new provisions were added except allowing for HCA to accept dues on rolling (instead of calendar-year) basis and to accept dues electronically

  81. Will hold vote on bylaws changes and Wesley housing development (retail to commercial issue) at next meeting

  82. Upcoming vote to change/offer alternate Payment Method for Annual HCA

  83. Membership

  84. Upcoming vote to change HCA Memberships from calendar year to annual date of

  85. Upcoming Topics and Guest Speakers:

  86. Supervisor Dan Storck, Mount Vernon District – Wednesday, June 7th

  87. Community members should have a chance to send questions ahead of time so Art can give Storck a heads-up

  88. Stephen Bannister, Capital Investment Advisors - 2560 Huntington Avenue

  89. Going to reschedule for June or August HCA Meeting

  90. Upcoming Local Events in Fairfax County:

  91. Smart Markets, Farmers’ Market (Every Thursday from 3:00pm – 7:00pm) – 5919 North Kings Highway, Alexandria, Virginia 22003

  92. Law Enforcement United Ride 2017 (Friday, May 12th, 11:30am – 12:45pm) – 2017 Belle View Boulevard, Alexandria, Virginia 22307

  93. Community Shred Event (Saturday, May 13th, 9:00am – 12:00pm) – Mount Vernon District Police Station, 2511 Parkers Lane, Alexandria, Virginia 22303

  94. Taste of Mount Vernon (May 25th, 5:30pm to 7:30pm) – Mount Vernon Governmental Center, 2511 Parkers Lane, Mount Vernon, Virginia 22306

  95. Will feature free food from 40 restaurants; also a raffle competition

  96. Fairfax County’s 275th Anniversary Celebration (June 17th, from 10:00am – 4:00pm) – Fairfax County Courthouse, 4000 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030

  97. Other Community Issues:

© Huntington Community Association

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